Nutritionist Bristol
Would you like to explore ways to restore digestive health?
Poor gut health can affect all aspects of your wellbeing. Trying to improve health issues alone by determining the best diet, supplements or lifestyle changes can be both confusing and frustrating.
Are you:
• Feeling despair that you no matter what you try; diet, lifestyle, supplements that your symptoms never improve?
• Frustrated that you have to continually limit your diet and have lost enjoyment in food?
• Confused about all the conflicting health advice available online?
Together we will explore the root causes of your symptoms. As your ‘health detective’ I will help you uncover what lies beneath your symptoms to explore solutions.
My nutritional therapy practice is informed by the rigours of a functional medicine approach, which goes beyond simply treating the symptoms. This approach is all about aiming to identify root causes.
A Functional Medicine approach is holistic and will look at all contributing factors including, nutrition and diet, gut health and digestion, stress, lifestyle and even environmental factors.
I understand that every person is unique and so is their health journey.
Supporting people with digestive issues is my specialist area. I receive regular referrals from medical practitioners including gastroenterologists.
With over 30 years’ experience working in whole person/integrative healthcare, concentrating on Nutritional Medicine for the last 15 years, I have taught nutritional therapy to doctors and medical students.
My passion for the science behind nutritional therapy means I strive to keep up to date with current research and thinking in this area – helping to ensure I am one of the highest qualified digestive health practitioners in the UK. This saves you the need to trawl through the research, so you can focus on getting well.
I have seen amazing changes in the health of my clients over the many years I have been in practice and hope to do the same for you.
Nutritional Therapy Testimonial:
I’ve known Helen for over 10 years and hugely appreciate her skills as a teacher and a nutritional therapist. Her breadth of knowledge is astounding and always backed up by a solid grounding in the evidence base – this is what gives me, as a GP, confidence in her recommendations. I have seen her deliver teaching to medical students at the University of Bristol as well as to doctors and other healthcare professionals and have always had excellent feedback. Her background in nursing and her many years experience give her a credibility which many Nutritional Therapists can only dream of! Helen is a mine of information – all of it useful, applicable to everyday life and backed up with solid evidence or sensible pragmatism. Everyone could benefit from a session with her!
(Dr Duncan Still, National Centre for Integrative Medicine Holistic Dr and GP)
The foods we eat, how well we digest and our lifestyles have a profound effect on our health, mood and energy levels. Excitingly, science now backs this up.
I’m deeply interested in the reason why people have the symptoms they do and aim to act as your health detective – exploring any tiny clues I can find that can help us detect the possible root cause of your symptoms. We will work together to create a personalised plan of manageable diet and lifestyle changes to support optimal health and wellbeing.
I have a BSc Degree in Nutritional Medicine and practice a Functional Medicine approach –a whole-person, science-informed approach. This way of working treats each person individually, focusing on the unique factors that may be creating or exacerbating your symptoms or health condition. I have worked as a health care practitioner for over 30 years and teach nutrition to doctors and medical students.
I have seen amazing changes in the health of my clients over the 12 years I have been in practice and hope to do the same for you.