This is a brief reminder about the talk I’m giving (free of charge) on September 1st at 14.00-15.00 at Clifton Practice Rooms – Nourishing Minds: Nutritional approaches to mental health.

The talk will offer plenty of simple and affordable nutrition tips that you can implement yourselves

I’ve got lots of fascinating information to share about the potential of good nutrition to restore mental wellbeing alongside other therapeutic approaches.

As you will know all too well, low mood is a completely natural response to the hugely challenging times we’re living in. It’s now known however that some low mood and anxiety issues can be induced or exacerbated by nutrient deficiencies, poor digestive health, and imbalanced gut bacteria. This new thinking (backed by some leading UK psychiatrists) is really fascinating and looking further into the physiology of this, it makes good sense to me.

When we’re stressed, our neurotransmitters (stress hormones) can easily become depleted. It’s therefore particularly important that we’re nourishing ourselves well in this time (in as stress free a way as possible of course!) so we can be sure we are getting the nutritional blocks they require for optimal functioning. This is just one of the ways good nutrition is important during stressful times.

It’s not about having a perfect diet all the time – I’m a foodie and hate unnecessary dietary restrictions as much as anyone else. But making a few key changes can make all the difference and hopefully will enable a significant shift to enhanced wellbeing for your clients.

Please book via the Eventbrite link if you plan to come along so we can make sure there are enough chairs out!

Looking forward to hopefully seeing you there!